Travelandmed offers you a huge selection of optional educational programs of different duration for doctors.
ГБУЗ «Детская городская клиническая больница имени Н. Ф. Филатова» ДЗМ
35 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 1 week.
– without accommodation: 35,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 42,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at acquiring new and improving existing practical skills and abilities in the field of pediatric surgery for their effective use in daily clinical practice.
The internship provides for the study of best practices and the acquisition of practical skills in the field of:
  • determination of indications and contraindications for performing minimally invasive operations in children with various planned and emergency surgical pathologies;
  • mastering modern technologies of endosurgical interventions and their safe application, including the features of the safe use of electrosurgery and other modern energies;
  • preparation of children for minimally invasive operations and features of postoperative nursing and rehabilitation.
The internship takes place at the N. F. Filatov Children's City Clinical Hospital, DZM
Региональный сосудистый центр «ГКБ № 1 им. Н.И. Пирогова ДЗМ
30 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 1 week.
– without accommodation: 30,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 37,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at improving existing competencies: readiness to determine pathological conditions in patients hospitalized at the RSC, based on the use of modern echocardiography capabilities and improving the diagnosis of systolic and diastolic function of the left ventricle, contrasting the heart chambers, the use of POCUS resuscitation protocols, etc., implementation and interpretation of the results of ultrasound examination of the lungs.
At the end of the internship, the student should know:
  • Modern protocols for performing echocardiography in intensive care units (POCUS, etc.);
  • Transcranial dopplerography with embolism;
  • New diagnostic possibilities for contrasting heart chambers;
  • Performing and interpreting the results of ultrasound examination of the lungs;
  • New possibilities in the diagnosis of heart defects.
Modern possibilities for assessing systolic and diastolic function of the heart:
— possibilities of two-dimensional echocardiography;
— assessment of strain (strain) and strain rate (strainrate) using tissue Doppler echocardiography;
— speckle tracking echocardiography (STE);
— modes of three-dimensional "live" (real-time) visualization.

First city hospital - Regional vascular center "City Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov DZM
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница№ 31» ДЗМ
45 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 3 days
– without accommodation: 45,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 49,000 rubles

The internship program will allow a specialist to:
1. a) Obtain modern understanding of the pathogenesis of uterine fibroids for the conscious use of modern medical drugs (GnRH agonists, selective progesterone receptor modulators, antiestrogens) and their place in self-treatment of uterine fibroids / preoperative preparation

b) to master the modern principles of uterine fibroids diagnostics using imaging methods: ultrasound, Dopplerography, 3D Dopplerography, hysterography, 3D hysterography, MRI diagnostics, hysteroscopy

c) to analyze in detail the principles of endoscopic transcervical treatment of submucosal myoma nodes of varying technical complexity

d) to acquire the skill of 2D and 3D ultrasound assessment of postoperative scars in patients planning pregnancy after transcervical myomresection/myomectomy.

2. a) Obtain knowledge about the possibilities of surgical organ-preserving treatment of interstitial and subserous uterine fibroids using laparoscopic access. Visit laparoscopic and robot-equipped operating rooms offline, as well as gain skills in laparoscopic access technique, choice of suture material and endoscopic suture techniques.

b) master the features of postoperative management and prevention of possible complications, acquire the skill of assessing postoperative scars using 2D and 3D echography;

3. Gain knowledge about uterine artery embolization (UAE) in the treatment of uterine fibroids:
a) indications and contraindications. Features of patients with unrealized reproductive function

b) familiarize yourself with the UAE technique in the X-ray operating room. Get the necessary knowledge about the course of endovascular treatment. Assess the results of UAE according to angiography.

c) master the skill and learn the features of postoperative management of patients, taking into account the restoration of fertility. Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment in long-term periods. Indications for the 2nd stage of organ-preserving treatment (abdominal / transcervical myomectomy)

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 31" DZM
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница№ 31» ДЗМ
38 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 3 days
– without accommodation: 38,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 42,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at improving and acquiring new competencies within the framework of physiological and functional changes in normal ovaries, taking into account the age period and pathomorphological changes, as well as additional diagnostic methods, with the determination of subsequent management tactics in the formation of various morphological variants of tumors, a differentiated approach to management tactics, taking into account reproductive potential, methods for assessing the ovarian reserve. It is planned to conduct a master class on ultrasound diagnostics, as well as an analysis of clinical situations.

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 31" DZM
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница№ 31» ДЗМ
38 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 3 days
– without accommodation: 38,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 42,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at improving and acquiring new competencies regarding genital endometriosis, the formation of subsequent management tactics, taking into account the need to realize reproductive potential, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, taking into account reproductive potential, methods for assessing ovarian reserve. It is planned to conduct a master class on ultrasound diagnostics, as well as an analysis of clinical situations.

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 31" DZM
стажировка в РДКБ ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова" Минздрава России
60 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 2 weeks
– without accommodation: 60,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 74,000 rubles

Modern approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the mammary glands in minors.

The internship program will allow doctors to get modern ideas about the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the mammary glands in minors. The fundamental topics of pediatric gynecology (including the analysis of clinical cases) will be considered - inflammatory diseases, menstrual disorders, tumors and tumor-like diseases of the ovaries, sexual development disorders, malformations, diseases of the mammary glands, endometriosis and its course in adolescents.

Children Hospital
РДКБ ФГАОУ ВО РНИМУ им. Н.И. Пирогова" Минздрава России
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 2 weeks
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 99,000 rubles

Duration: 4 weeks
– without accommodation: 130,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 158,000 rubles

The internship program will allow doctors to master modern diagnostic algorithms for diseases of the gynecological sphere and mammary glands in underage girls, as well as conservative and surgical methods for the treatment of gynecological diseases and diseases of the mammary glands in children.

Children Hospital
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница № 24» ДЗМ
35 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 1 week
– without accommodation: 35,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 42,000 rubles

  • one classroom practical session devoted to the propaedeutics of neurological examination of newborns and young children with a quantitative assessment of muscle-postural tone;
  • participation in outpatient admission of children of various gestational ages who have undergone perinatal lesions of the central nervous system of varying severity, who are under follow-up observation;
  • participation in consultations of children in the neonatal pathology department, followed by analysis and discussion of these clinical cases.
The possible number of participants in the internship at the same time is 2 people.

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24" DZM
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница № 24» ДЗМ
25 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 3 days
– without accommodation: 25,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 29000 rubles
Duration: 1 week
– without accommodation: 45,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 52,000 rubles

The internship program involves the direct participation of a doctor in conducting multi-channel EEG monitoring in newborns of various gestational ages in a hospital setting (in the departments of pathology of newborns, neonatal surgery, resuscitation and intensive care of newborns), as well as on an outpatient basis in infants. During the examination, the features of the installations used in neonatology and the methods of attaching the electrodes will be explained. After the end of the monitoring, the result will be discussed with the subsequent writing of the conclusion.

At the same time, 1 person can participate in the internship (in some cases, an increase to 2 is possible by agreement).

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 24" DZM
стажировка в ГБУЗ «Городская клиническая больница им. Ф.И. Иноземцева» ДЗМ
110 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 2 weeks
– without accommodation: 110,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 124,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at improving the professional competencies of physicians in endovascular diagnostics and treatment through direct participation in the course of: stenting of the coronary arteries, stenting of the pelvic and lower limb arteries, unique hybrid surgeries for multilevel lesions of the aorto-femoral and femoral-popliteal segments. During the internship, the opportunity is provided to master the methods of thromboextraction and thromboaspiration in acute ischemic stroke on a flow vascular model, to get acquainted with the methods of endovascular hemostasis in case of bleeding of different localization in case of emergency admission of patients, to gain knowledge regarding the organization of the work of vascular centers and specialized departments.

GBUZ "City Clinical Hospital. F.I. Inozemtsev" DZM
 стажировка в АО «ГК «Медси» Московская обл., г. Красногорск, пос. Отрадное, владение 2, стр. 1А;
130 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 2 weeks
– without accommodation: 130,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 144,000 rubles

The internship program is aimed at acquiring new and improving existing practical skills and abilities in the field of surgery - acquired heart defects, coronary surgery, surgery of the aorta and its branches, for their effective use in clinical practice.

The internship provides for the study of best practices and the acquisition of practical skills in the field of:
  • cardiac surgery,
  • coronary heart disease,
  • cardiomyopathies,
  • heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias;
  • mitral and aortic valve defects,
  • multivalve defects,
  • multivalvular defects in combination with the defeat of the coronary bed,
  • minimally invasive cardiac surgery.
JSC "GC" Medsi "Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, pos. Otradnoe, possession 2, building 1A;
стажировка в «Институт пластической хирургии и косметологии»
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 18 hours, 3 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 89000 rubles (4 nights)

Aesthetic surgery of the female urogenital area

The purpose of the program is to practically master the techniques of surgical correction of the intimate zone in women: types of corrective operations depending on the predominant defect (correction of the labia minora, correction of the labia majora, various types of colpoplasty) and its etiology (age-related, hormonally dependent, postpartum, traumatic, congenital deformities) The program includes the development of algorithms for selecting patients for these types of interventions, standards for preoperative examination, postoperative monitoring of the results of the operation.

Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology
стажировка в «Институт пластической хирургии и косметологии»
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 18 hours, 3 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 89000 rubles (4 nights)

Correction of body contours by liposuction and lipofilling. Liposculpture of the body.
The purpose of the program is the practical development of techniques for contour correction of various regions of the body using liposuction and lipofilling. The program includes the development of algorithms for selecting patients and determining indications and contraindications for these types of interventions in the form of scales and indices, as a way to ensure safety when performing lipomodelling, standards for preoperative examination, postoperative control of the results of the operation. Determining the degree of risk of postoperative complications. Consideration of the comparative characteristics of various types of lipomodeling (mechanical, water jet, vibration, etc.).

Institute of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology
стажировка в Московский научно-практический Центр дерматовенерологии и косметологии ДЗМ
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 18 hours, 3 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 89000 rubles (4 nights)

Non-invasive methods for diagnosing the skin and its appendages

The program is dedicated to advanced diagnostic methods that are used in dermatovenereology and cosmetology and help to assess the morphological state of the skin in various nosologies. The internship program includes work using advanced PhotoFinder technologies, on a high-frequency ultrasound machine, and the use of a dermatoscope. These methods are used to diagnose the condition of the skin, hair and nails. If desired, part of the cycle can be reserved for non-invasive diagnosis of neoplasms.

Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology DZM
стажировка в ГКБ № 1 им. Н.И. Пирогова, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 61, стр. 11
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 36 hours, 5 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 91,000 rubles (6 nights)

Endoprosthetics of the knee joint

The internship is aimed at:
  • development of the main accesses and laying of the patient, used in knee arthroplasty;
  • mastering and improving knowledge related to preoperative planning, selection of endoprosthesis components depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's anatomy;
  • preparation of orthopedic patients for knee arthroplasty;
  • development of skills in total knee arthroplasty;
  • acquisition and improvement of professional knowledge and practical skills on the identification, treatment and differential diagnosis of pathologies of the knee joint.
City Clinical Hospital No. 1 im. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 61, building 11
стажировка в ГКБ № 1 им. Н.И. Пирогова, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 61, стр. 11
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 36 hours, 5 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 91,000 rubles (6 nights)

Arthroscopy of the knee

The internship is aimed at:
  • development of the main accesses and laying of the patient, used in arthroscopic operations on the knee joint;
  • mastering and improving knowledge regarding the planning of surgical interventions on the intra-articular structures of the knee joint using arthroscopy;
  • acquisition of knowledge on preparing patients for knee arthroscopy;
  • practicing the skills of therapeutic and diagnostic arthroscopy of the knee joints;
  • development of clinical examination methods, improvement of professional knowledge and practical skills on the identification, treatment and differential diagnosis of knee joint pathologies associated with injuries and their consequences, as well as degenerative diseases
City Clinical Hospital No. 1 im. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 61, building 11
стажировка в ГКБ № 1 им. Н.И. Пирогова, Москва, ул. Вавилова, 61, стр. 11
85 000 RUR

Moscow city
Duration: 36 hours, 5 days
– without accommodation: 85,000 rubles
– with accommodation: 91,000 rubles (6 nights)

Surgery of the upper limb. Shoulder and elbow joints

The internship is aimed at:
  • development of the main accesses used in surgical interventions on the shoulder and elbow joints (including arthroscopy);
  • mastering and improving knowledge related to preoperative planning, selection of fixators depending on the nature and extent of the injury;
  • mastering knowledge on preparing patients for operations on the elbow and shoulder joints (including using arthroscopy);
  • practicing the skills of open reposition, bone osteosynthesis inside and periarticular fractures of the humerus, proximal sections of the ulna and radius;
  • mastering and improving knowledge on the treatment of patients with acquired deformities of the upper limb, with instability of the elbow and shoulder joints.
City Clinical Hospital No. 1 im. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, st. Vavilova, 61, building 11
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